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What is the ThetaHealing® technique?

The ThetaHealing® technique is a meditation technique that activate the Theta brain wave, the same brainwave that we go into every night before sleep or in deep relaxation. When we operate in the theta brainwave we can access both past and future timelines and experience instantaneous shifts in body, mind and spirit.

The ThetaHealing® technique was founded by Vianna Stibal in 1995 who since its inception has traveled the world and trained thousands of ThetaHealing instructors. A typical session includes an intuitive reading, belief work and a healing. 

While in the Theta brainwave we access our subconscious like a supercomputer and with the clients verbal permission we shift programming that cause unwanted states or situations in their lives.

The sessions help you transform old beliefs through unconditional love as the ThetaHealing practitioner connect to source and hold the frequency of the "new" desired state, it is however you the client who activate your own natural self-healing ability and step into this new vibrational reality.

Book one-on-one session here.

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